Tuesday, May 26, 2009


Well if your week is anything like mine, feeling like I've been sucked into a vortex of cloudy confusion - know that this time will pass too! Such a big week, radical decisions, left brain / right brain integration, spiritual delusion or vistas of grandeur; take your pick, you can have all - its all in the MIND!! We can also thank the JUPITER, CHIRON, NEPTUNE conjunction happening right now, trying to expand our limited mental capacities and tolerance for disorienting scenarios!

CHOICES are knocking at the door, which path to take, what to believe, how to grow up?? To grow into mature adults capable of authentic, soul - centered choices which enable the WHOLE to come into focus, we need discipline and connection to our spiritual selves, to those aspects in life that give us meaning?? What issues are ringing loud for you now? What action can you take to participate in your unfolding destiny, to remain true to yourself?

VISION & BELIEF are opposite sides of the same coin. Although, it is one thing having the vision, another altogether different aspect is believing in it and committing to the path. Maybe its not until we are on the path, carving out our vision - that belief comes. Surrender old beliefs, let go of keeping everything in its separate compartments, the ARTIST ARCHETYPE is at work here. Much like the two strands of DNA wrapped around each other, holding separate pieces of information and data - it is time to let the opposites within, the TWIN aspects of light and shadow, find a way of weaving themselves together...easier said than done, you have A MONTH!! And great things can happen, DREAMER'S LIVE LARGE.

Is there a part of you grieving, leaving behind or recognising aspects of your life that have been ignored?? Take time to sit with this and listen to yourself, nurture yourself through any unresolved grief or regret. For me at the moment I'm feeling incredible pain around my separation from the EARTH, manifesting in my inability to commit to my garden. I look out on overgrown and untended lawn, veggie patch etc and some part of me switches off. So I now have the opportunity to volunteer in a local Stephanie Alexander Garden project - which is showing me and inspiring me to get involved with my own backyard!! This is my growth edge (I'm weak in the earth element)

What is your GROWTH EDGE?? Check out the challenges you have been having this week (may 25 - 31) You might find that there is something you can commit too, which will enable you to expend your sense of self and place in the world. I WOULD LOVE TO HEAR WHAT THAT IS??

Have there been SIGNS & SYNCHRONICITIES dropping out of the sky? Or are you feeling despair from the lack of guidance? It is a wobbly phase, like the gel in the petri dishes (high-school science) we need to capture a few cells, core beliefs, seeding visions and immerse them in the great spiritual vessel of alchemical transformation. Drop these seeds, ideas, projects, visions into the womb of spiritual nourishment and GET OUT OF THE WAY!!! LET GO........


Once you've drop your cells into the dish, then drop yourself into the oceanic, interconnectedness of the universe. Cork on the ocean image, relax and let the wave motion carry you forward into the unknown - good luck, hope to see you on the shoreline sometime soon. You will find your feet again, but GEMINI has better things to do than look down at them, she is busy making butterflies. Bringing together the opposites - so they can fly; ever so lightly, spreading their beauty. Hard work to get to that, but YOU CAN DO IT. Together we can do it.

COMMUNICATION, WRITING, CREATING WITH YOUR HANDS - all Gemini activities. You might find that bridging right/left brain practices around the above, will offer much insight, liberation and inspiration. I did it this morning and after I'd drawn symbolical images to capture what I had written - I felt much better, thank you. (I have a Gemini Moon)


Surrender to the process and recognise the actions you take can have the capacity to CHANGE THE WORLD. SMALL & LARGE. INNER & OUTER. Practice BEING an agent of change. And know you are part of a bigger movement - worldwide resonating with A SPIRITUAL DESIRE TO EMBODY A SOULFUL LIFE & BRING BALANCE BACK TO EARTH

A CLUE - sometimes our greatness treasure can be found in our weakest element (fire, earth, air, water) If you are in the fortunate position to know your weakness - then harness it, nurture it and welcome the vulnerabilities surrounding it - so you can find the TREASURE WITHIN where our TRANSCENDENT - greater than SELF, nature lies. TRY IT & SEE

THERE IS a GEM in GEMINI and no doubt one in you. (Gemini loves playing with words) This month is about finding it. MERCURY, the winged God, FLIES BETWEEN worlds to bring back signposts along the way to this GEM. Don't forget to talk or listen to this inner voice of mercurial wisdom, or you might get lost on the track, bogged down in detail and gossip that sends you in the opposite direction. All of this hot air amounts to nothing if PRACTICAL APPLICATIONS for our visions aren't developed. Get organised - EASIER AFTER MERCURY DIRECT 31ST MAY - GET GROUNDED, work hard and enjoy those moments in between. Gemini likes to play, have fun, rave and above all, talk to someone who cares!

So enjoy this wonderful, exciting transition we are ALL going through, and don't forget to cry if you need too. Tears are pure release and a necessary part of cleansing the past in order to nourish the future. HAPPY HUNTING ATHENA until the full moon in SAG - when all will be revealed XX

GEMINI THEMES = mental energy, learning, writing, talking, siblings, twin aspects, rejecting light or dark, integrating both, messenger, neighbours, local environment, gossip, transport, connections, information, data, marketing, networking, local community, doing more than one thing, quick, adaptable, bright