Saturday, April 25, 2009

Birthing Venus - NEW MOON / TAURUS (25th Apr)

Well, we have all been changed on some level, I'm SURE. After the fiery VENUS descended into the underworld for 5 weeks (7 MAR - 19 APR) to burn away old and out mode ways of being - and revive lost parts of ourselves, she has now surfaced to be seen by all. While it is tempting to sit around now and have a little breather, there is too much to be done!! Dreams to be made, truths to be spoken and businesses to be built.

This energy is personal; felt in the body, finances, physical world - the Earth for example! What VALUES are we living? What actions are we taking to move towards expressing who we are and addressing the changes we want to see in our world? What messages are coming through our bodies in relationship to Earth? As the currency of the material world diminishes, it give us an opportunity to hear a deeper truth, spend time in nature and listen. It is the meaning & development of our actions now that will determine the direction over the coming year. (Astrology year Aries/Mar - Aries/Mar)

Have you experienced a lot of anger, aggression or assertion around relationships that are changing? As we move out of Aries, we need to remember the potency of impulsive and spontaneous energy! It is about movement, a thrust into life and TAURUS IS MOVED BY GODDESS ENERGY, she who constantly changes, evolves and manifests her desires!!! While it might take a bit to get going, once she does there is no stopping her!

DREAM, reach for your GOALS, BELIEVE IN HER...and changes are not only possibly, they are inevitable. Meditate with your INNER FEMALE GUIDE, let her help you build a stairway to your dreams. Profound healing and integration is possible this month, if you will have the courage to go beyond your comfort zone, gird the loins and push toward the future!!

NEPTUNE, CHIRON & JUPITER collide to create tension and reveal VISIONS, HEALERS, TEACHERS, GUIDES and unique solutions to our current problems. We are all in this together - you are not alone!! If you are feeling like that - get connected. Technology is opening up portals, physically, mentally & spiritually! Communities are also the growing edge where like-minded people can collectively take a leap into the future, together. The world SOUL is crying out for us to create and be part of sustainable communities, whether on-line or in real time.

Let the tensions felt over the next month, be a vehicle for transformation. GROUNDING SPIRITUALITY is essentially the gift of this month. Buddha was a Taurus, it is this centeredness that he represents; knowledge from within guided by values and discipline - that will be our best guide over the coming weeks. If you don't find time for this - expect ungrounded energy to create havoc in what is going to be a very powerful time. Many people will feel fragmented, stuck, confused and overwhelmed. We are in a breakdown & breakthrough phase, some people will feel simply lost - friendship is always good at these times. If you are feeling like this, trust that there is some purpose to what is going on and wait for new insights to appear, get help if you need it.

It is the WISDOM of TAURUS TO TAKE THINGS SLOWLY, breath and move one step at a time, stay grounded and let the SPIRIT OF EARTH speak to you and through you. What visions are coming through you to heal the world? It really is possible now to DREAM A NEW DREAM - one rooted in ancient wisdom. Create space in your life to invite this knowledge into your reality and bring the wisdom of Venus a little closer. Grab the wings of an angel - and fly!!

KEY WORDS, body, finances, earth, simple, strength, stubborn, dense, building, patience, beauty, sensual, smells, food, music, tactile, soil, resourceful, self worth, contained, values and personal power.